Some of you may have noticed a slightly different look to the Madnorski website. There are two major changes: (1) we have transitioned the website to a local web hosting company and (2) we have moved the content from a mostly custom database-driven design into WordPress. We changed hosting companies primarily because the previous hosting company had some security issues over the years and our website was hacked a few times – the perpetrators generally just added hidden files selling various pharmaceuticals and/or “health aids” (if you know what I mean). Our new hosting company has a very limited number of sites on their server and they keep a very close eye on them. The second change, to WordPress, was undertaken in order to get the main part of the website on a platform that many people are familiar with so that it will be easier for multiple authors/editors to update portions of the website. We’re still in the process of re-organizing and updating content so please pardon the dust. If you have any comments or suggestions for the new site, please send them to Also, if there are any club members that are comfortable using WordPress and who would like to assist with the website, please email me at the above address. Thanks!