Madnorski East Student Ski Club Forming

Sun Prairie and Madnorski (Madison Nordic Ski Club) have partnered to start an East Dane County cross country ski club. The club is open to grades 7 through 12.

The goals of the club will be to introduce youth to the lifelong sport of cross country skiing. The club will provide instruction for both classic and skate skiing. Kids will have the opportunity to race in the Southern Conference XC ski races and Tuesday night Elver Park Races.

The club will meet on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:45 to 5:30pm at the Sun Prairie High School starting 11/3/2014.

Informational meeting Thursday night Oct. 23th, 6 to 7pm the Sun Prairie High School Rm 2780.

Contact Pam Schneider (, 608-824-7260) or Tom Woody ( for details.