Winter Fundraising Appeal–Celebrating 40 years of Madnorski




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Dear Madison Nordic Ski Club Community,

We are thrilled to be celebrating our 40 year anniversary that has brought members together to share stories from the past, fun trivia, and a renewed sense of the club’s mission and vision for the future. Our club is built on the shared passion of Nordic skiing –”Cross Country Skiing for Everyone.” This mission stands strong now just as it did at our first “official” club meeting 40 years ago. Today, just as back then, club members volunteer together to coach our youngest skiers (Kidski or Trail Kids), groom the trails (and now make snow), coach our Junior skiers at practices and races, teach adults through our free lessons to the community, organize the Tuesday night community race series, host the ski swap, and more! We give our appreciation and gratitude to all the members that have given to this club over our 40 year history — what a celebration!

This winter for our Fundraising Campaign, we aim to increase the vitality of the club during a time of great change, challenge, and reflection. COVID has brought a desperate need for programs such as ours to provide families with ways for kids to be outside, active, and in a social setting. The greater awareness around social justice has given us all pause on how can we make winter recreation in Madison more accessible. One small gesture in this direction is the recent work of our trail committee on the new snowshoe trails at Elver which will allow access to the beautiful Elver Park winter trails to folks on foot and snowshoe. Climate change is upon us and as a community who appreciates nature and our connection to it, we need to look hard at how we make sustainable and thoughtful decisions about our impact. Our work with Madison Parks as well as the area’s State and County parks will focus on this important objective.

So we ask you, our members, to not only consider giving a donation to this club to help pay for its programs and many contributions to our Nordic community, but to also renew your sense of what brings you to this club and how you want to take part in its mission. This club’s strength is in its membership–working together to make things happen! This indeed takes money and we hope you will give generously, but it also takes YOU.  

We are focusing our fundraising on investments that will continue to contribute to the Nordic Community for years to come, including lights at the new CXC Trails as well as rollerskis for our youth programs. We have never had more kids interested in year round programs!

Please consider making a contribution that will help move this club into its next 40 years with financial strength as well as a clear and thoughtful vision.

Thank you for supporting Madison Nordic Ski Club.


Your Madnorski Board and Executive Director Tamara Bryant

Board Members: Dean Gore, co-president; David Panofsky, co-president; Brian Turany, treasurer; Jacob Huseby, membership; Carrie Eaton, publicity; Matt Riley, promotions; Anne Mayer, secretary; Andy Ziegler, social director; Sam Batzli, webmaster; Kristin Cooper, adult lessons; Brock Woods, trails chair; and Jonathan Hunter, youth chair.

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