CXC Trails
Snowmaking loop machine groomed for classic and skate.
Snowmaking loop machine groomed for classic and skate.
Groomed for skating and classic. Expect soft conditions for skating and klister conditions for classic.
Plenty of skiing left. At 9 am skate deck well covered. Snow wet and soft, deep tail cuts. Remember that March comes in like a lion…
Snowmaking loop groomed for skating and classic after busy evening of skiing yesterday. Expect soft conditions with couple small wet spots.
Hard to believe there was skiable snow today at CXC. It was getting pretty sloppy by 12:30, but still it was great to get out there. A big thanks to all who make CXC trails possible–it's greatly appreciated. Looking forward to further development of the center and trails in the years ahead.
Snowmaking loop tilled this morning with new classic tracks.
Good coverage, solid base, soft track set. Lovely. Why do people insist on walking on the trails?
The 3k Golf Course Loops were regroomed and tracked yesterday. Conditions are very good. Snow got warm and soft this afternoon. Will regroom in early am. Monday and then again on Thursday am.
Early Saturday afternoon in mostly good condition on outer loop. Lots of cars in lot. Few avoidable asphalt spots coming out of campground and the big drop was fast, but enough soft snow coming into downhills to control speed. Other big hills had sufficient snow for control (up & down) if you are adept at …
Very Good around machined-snow loops after the end of the CXC Birkie Live Feed – just a little more compacted than Friday, with no grooming apparent today. Upper Field trail is Good except for the stretch from the parking area heading north, to just before the southwestward hook. Some gravel and stubble requires careful negotiation …