Elver Trail Work Day–Sat Oct 29, 2022

2021 Elver Trail Work Day–crew getting instructions

Saturday, October 29, 2022 is our Elver Trail Work Day, the one day in the fall where we focus on getting the trails ready for snow. (The Madnorski Ski Swap is also on this day!) Madnorski trail volunteers will arrive at Elver Park at 8am sharp to grab a donut, meet each other, and receive work instructions from club member & volunteer groomer Dick Steinle.
The club’s work at Elver Park goes back decades and we continue to work with the City Parks to make Elver a great venue for Nordic skiing. Dick Steinle and Paul Quinlan from Madison City Parks have been working together to identify areas for trail improvements–mowing back brush, adding mulch to gully areas, and opening up tight turns for grooming equipment.
Winter is coming–let’s get ready for that snow! 
Here are the details:
Date: Saturday, October 29, 2022
Time: 8am to noon (please arrive on time & work the duration–boosts the team morale 🙂 )
Where: Behind Elver Park Main Shelter
Bring: metal rakes, pruners, work gloves….
RSVP: Dick at 608. 34five.243four
Thank you for supporting Nordic skiing in Madison!