A group is actively gathering signatures on a petition to the WI DNR to keep snowmobiles out of Blue Mound State Park. The petition reads:
“There have been no snowmobiles allowed inside Blue Mound State Park (BMSP), including in the Pleasure Valley area, for the past 25 years. WI DNR will begin a Master Plan amendment process to allow snowmobiles inside BMSP. WI DNR has said they support open public input on this issue. However, the proposed snowmobile routes, drawn in conjunction with the local and statewide groups, have already been drawn without general public input. According to the DNR, the proposed snowmobile trail would require the construction of a new bridge and ditch, and major grading work. It would appear that the snowmobile trail has been well thought out with no general public input to date.”
“The proposed snowmobile route is in the eastern part of BMSP, known as the Pleasure Valley/Weeping Rock Trail. This is a unique, narrow, rocky, downhill trail that crosses a year round flowing fresh water spring. It contains undisturbed hills, waters, and fragile topography. This trail is heavily used by those who enjoy “breaking their own trail” including winter hikers, bikers, snowshoers, back country skiiers and bird watchers.”
“We, the undersigned, are concerned BMSP users who urge the WI DNR to preserve the environmental integrity, public safety, and silent beauty of BMSP and not allow snowmobiles in BMSP.”
For more information please contact Kerry Beheler in Mt. Horeb at 608-437-6938 or kerry.beheler@gmail.com.