CXC Outdoor Rec Center
I groomed the long loops on the golf course and CXC loops this morning for skating. This is probably the last day grooming the golf course.
I groomed the long loops on the golf course and CXC loops this morning for skating. This is probably the last day grooming the golf course.
Good to Fair. Temp Saturday stayed below freezing, so Sunday morning should still offer what could be end-of-season skiing. Since Friday, more grass is emerging from CL tracks but there are still stretches of very good track and the edge of the packed skate lane provides ski-around room in those grassy stretches, and good grip …
Still good skating on Zimmer and Toms as of noon today. Just a couple thin/dirty spots but most of trail was good to excellent. Arthur’s a bit thin getting down to Zimmer, but still very navigable. Didn’t see any more exposed gravel after the first 150ft. Thanks URidge for these last grooms and reports
Lots of new trails this year, good work by parks. Classic tracks are bare in spots, did most skiing on the deck. Some great spots in the open, lots of bare spots in the woods and spotty grass poking through elsewhere. Any other year this would be a bad day, but was able to get …
Thanks Dale! The skiing was fabulous. Very much appreciate the excellent grooming. Both cvlassic and skate.
Ok, I’m sure “excellent” caught your attention! Thank you McCarthy Grooming Team (Paul especially). There was plenty of excellent skiing because of stellar grooming. Some pieces of dirt, grass, a rock or two, but it’s all still avoidable. There were no sledders and skiing up the sledding hill had great coverage. Get it while it …
I went about 8:30 this morning. Someone recently groomed about half of Odana. The recently groomed sections were excellent, but the sections which had not been groomed were only ok. Some dirt, but easily avoided.
Skating lane ranged from fair to very good. A few bare spots, mainly on the hills. I believe some of the trails had been regroomed on Thursday. All in all, a pleasant ski!
While there are some grassy spots in the tracks, there will still be skiing on Saturday. The East/South trail has some stretches that have excellent, like-new track, sharp and firm. Just use caution on that south sloping downhill chute out of the pines/hemlock. Also the Upper Loop of the West/lighted trail is very good, except …
It should be fair to good. I mostly groomed for skating but while not paying attention, I accidentally put classic tracks on my last loop of the golf course. I was running out of gas and didn't go around again, but I think it should be fine for the skaters. Depending on the weather today, …