CXC Outdoor Rec Center

Classic tracks were in great shape this morning and the skate deck had some nice looking corduroy too.

CXC Outdoor Rec Center

Groomed for skating and classic around 6 a.m. Snowmaking has been completed for the day; however, sections of the trails remain closed due to snow being moved on the Lower Field Trail.


made a trip up to Cable to ski the Birkie man made loop Tuesday-Was not disappointed. A perfectly groomed 5km loop with sunny skies and calm winds The new base camp lodge is right on the trail was a special treat.

CXC Outdoor Rec Center

CXC crew had part of the trails closed making a ton of snow-planning on spreading it out to complete the northern loop. open trail still firm with good top cover.

CXC Outdoor Rec Center

We understand that some skiers have concerns about trail conditions and snowmaking, and we truly appreciate your feedback. While our goal is to provide the best possible experience, it's important to note that snowmaking and grooming man-made snow are quite expensive operations. Trail fees cover only about 50% of the actual costs. To keep the …

CXC Outdoor Rec Center

The trail has been groomed for skating and classic. Snowmaking is currently in progress, and the same sections of the trail as yesterday remain closed.

CXC Outdoor Rec Center

The trail has been groomed for skating and set fresh classic tracks. Sections of the trail are closed due to snowmaking. "Trail Closed" signs have been posted.

CXC Outdoor Rec Center

Not as good as two days ago, but close. Used kick wax today. Would have been better with skins. Uphill at powerline was a tad icy and glazed. Tracks still very firm. Snow only dirty in one bad and obvious spot. Sure would be nice to get some natural snowfall. Cheers!

CXC Outdoor Rec Center

Tracks were decent. Just a little bit of icing but mostly good grip with my skins. Skate deck is very hard. With this cold weather, I was expecting beautiful fresh man-made snow, but there are no snow guns going. What is happening with the snow making? The lack of fresh snow and lack of extended …